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Organoid single-cell genomic atlas uncovers human-specific features of brain development

Access Granted
Updated November 6, 2024

The purpose of this project is to assess the relevance of pluripotent stem cell-derived cerebral and liver organoids to recapitulate the variation in cell-type specific gene expression programs between individuals. Towards this aim, we will generate reference atlases of the developing cortex and liver from multiple individuals, derive iPSC lines from these same individuals, and determine if inter-individual gene expression variation is recapitulated in cerebral and liver organoids from the same individual from which we have reference maps. In parallel we will assess the genetic contribution to variablity between organoids from different iPSCs of multiple human individuals that are available in existing iPSC resources (e.g. HipSci).

Barbara TreutleinMax Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropologybarbara_treutlein@eva.mpg.de
J Gray CampMax Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropologygray_camp@eva.mpg.de
Barbara Treutlein (Principal Investigator)1
J Gray Camp1
Zhisong He1
Sabina Kanton1
Michael J Boyle1
Malgorzata Santel1
Anne Weigert1
Fátima Sanchís-Calleja1
Patricia Guijarro2
Leila Sidow1
Jonas S Fleck3
1Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
2CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai
3ETH Zürich
Mallory Ann Freeberg
Ami Day

To reference this project, please use the following link:

INSDC Project Accessions:
ERP114427, ERP116974, ERP116749, ERP116607, ERP116752, ERP116771
Array Express Accessions:INSDC Study Accessions:BioStudies Accessions:


OrganoidOrganoid-Neural v1.0

Analysis Portals


Project Label

HPSI human cerebral organoids


Homo sapiens

Sample Type

2 sample types

Anatomical Entity

3 anatomical entities

Organ Part

3 organ parts

Selected Cell Types

neural cell

Model Organ


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

2 development stages

Library Construction Method

5 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

2 nucleic acid sources

Paired End


File Format

6 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

fastq.gz1,786 file(s)mtx.gz2 file(s)pdf3 file(s)tsv1 file(s)txt2 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)
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