HCA Data Explorer

The Tabula Sapiens: A multiple-organ, single-cell transcriptomic atlas of humans

Access Granted
Updated January 20, 2025

In recent years there has been tremendous progress towards deep molecular characterization of cell types using single cell transcriptome sequencing. Here we report a single cell transcriptomic atlas comprising nearly 500,000 cells from 24 different human tissues and organs. In several instances multiple organs were analyzed from the same donor. Analyzing organs from the same individual controls for genetic background, age, environment, and epigenetic effects, and enables a detailed comparison of cell types that are shared between tissues. This resource provides a rich molecular characterization of more than 400 cell types, their distribution across tissues, and detailed information about tissue specific variation in gene expression. We have used the fact that multiple tissues came from the same donor to study the clonal distribution of T cells between tissues, to understand the tissue specific mutation rate in B cells, and to analyze the cell cycle state and proliferative potential of shared cell types across tissues. Finally, we have also used this data to characterize cell type specific RNA splicing and how such splicing varies across tissues within an individual.

Stephen R QuakeCZ Biohubsteve@czbiohub.org
Stephen R Quake (Principal Investigator)1
1CZ Biohub
Parisa Nejad
Brittney D Wick
Rachel Schwartz

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GutGut v1.0
HeartHeart v1.0
LungLung v2.0
Oral and CraniofacialORCF v1.0

Analysis Portals

Genome BrowserGenome Browser
UCSC Cell BrowserUCSC Cell Browser

Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity

24 anatomical entities

Organ Part


Selected Cell Types

462 cell types

Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)

11 disease statuses

Development Stage

human adult stage

Library Construction Method

3 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End

false, true

Analysis Protocol

analysis_protocol_1, analysis_protocol_2

File Format

2 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

h5ad.zip1 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)
HCA Data PortalHCA Data Portal