HCA Data Explorer

Impaired local intrinsic immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection in severe COVID-19

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Updated October 18, 2024

SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause severe respiratory COVID-19. However, many individuals present with isolated upper respiratory symptoms, suggesting potential to constrain viral pathology to the nasopharynx. Which cells SARS-CoV-2 primarily targets and how infection influences the respiratory epithelium remains incompletely understood. We performed scRNA-seq on nasopharyngeal swabs from 58 healthy and COVID-19 participants. During COVID-19, we observe expansion of secretory, loss of ciliated, and epithelial cell repopulation via deuterosomal cell expansion. In mild and moderate COVID-19, epithelial cells express anti-viral/interferon-responsive genes, while cells in severe COVID-19 have muted anti-viral responses despite equivalent viral loads. SARS-CoV-2 RNA+ host-target cells are highly heterogenous, including developing ciliated, interferon-responsive ciliated, AZGP1high goblet, and KRT13+ "hillock"-like cells, and we identify genes associated with susceptibility, resistance, or infection response. Our study defines protective and detrimental responses to SARS-CoV-2, the direct viral targets of infection, and suggests that failed nasal epithelial anti-viral immunity may underlie and precede severe COVID-19.

Alex K ShalekHarvard Medical School & MITshalek@mit.edu
Sarah C GloverUniversity of Mississippi Medical Center
Bruce H HorwitzBoston Children’s Hospitalbruce.horwitz@childrens.harvard.edu
Jose Ordovas-MontanesBroad Institute of MIT and Harvardjose.ordovas-montanes@childrens.harvard.edu
Carly GK Ziegler (Co-Investigator)1
Vincent N Miao (Co-Investigator)1
Anna H Owings (Co-Investigator)2
Andrew W Navia (Co-Investigator)3
Ying Tang (Co-Investigator)4
Joshua D Bromley (Co-Investigator)3
Peter Lotfy5
Meredith Sloan2
Hannah Laird2
Haley B Williams2
Micayla George2
Riley S Drake3
Taylor Christian2
Adam Parker2
Campbell B Sindel2
Molly W Burger2
Yilianys Pride2
Mohammad Hasan2
George E Abraham III2
Michal Senitko2
Tanya O Robinson2
Alex K Shalek (Principal Investigator)1
Sarah C Glover (Principal Investigator)2
Bruce H Horwitz (Principal Investigator)4
Jose Ordovas-Montanes (Principal Investigator)5
1Harvard Medical School & MIT
2University of Mississippi Medical Center
3Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard
4Boston Children’s Hospital
5Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Arsenios Chatzigeorgiou

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LungLung v1.0

Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

mucosa of nasopharynx

Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)

4 disease statuses

Disease Status (Donor)

4 disease statuses

Development Stage

human adult stage

Library Construction Method

Seq-Well S3

Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End


Analysis Protocol

downstream_analysis, normalized_matrix_generation, raw_matrix_generation

File Format

2 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

txt4 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)