Mural cell composition and functional analysis in the healing process of human gingiva from periodontal intrabony defects
Objective: To evaluate the composition and function of mural cell populations in human gingival tissues. Design: A cross-sectional study was conducted on seven periodontitis (stage Ⅲ) patients. Gingival tissues were collected two months after scaling and root planing and divided into 3 groups: 1, h_h group (horizontal bone resorption, residual pocket depth ≤3 mm); 2, v_h group (vertical bone resorption >4 mm, residual pocket depth ≤3 mm); 3, v_i group (vertical bone resorption >4 mm, residual pocket depth ≥6 mm). Single-cell RNA sequencing (10X genomics) and subsequent bioinformatics analysis were performed. Protein expression of selected genes was confirmed by histological staining. Results: Two mural cell clusters, RGS5+THY1+ and ACTA2+MYH11+ subpopulations, were identified and confirmed by histological staining and cross-validation with three different single-cell RNA sequencing datasets in the GEO database. RGS5+THY1+ cluster in perivascular areas possessed cellular protrusions and exhibited immunomodulatory and synthetic phenotypes. In contrast, the ACTA2+MYH11+ cluster strictly distributed around vessel walls was characterized by a contractile phenotype. Mural cells closely interacted with endothelial cells through PDGF and NOTCH3 signaling. Mural cell loss was detected in the v_i group and in hopeless periodontal teeth, which might be caused by tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced apoptosis. Conclusions: Gingival mural cells can be classified into two distinct clusters according to their gene signatures and cell morphology. The loss of mural cells may indicate periodontitis progression.
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Analysis Portals
NoneProject Label
Homo sapiens
Sample Type
Anatomical Entity
Organ Part
Selected Cell Types
Disease Status (Specimen)
Disease Status (Donor)
Development Stage
human adult stage
Library Construction Method
10x 3' v3
Nucleic Acid Source
single cell
Paired End
falseAnalysis Protocol
raw_matrix_generationFile Format
Cell Count Estimate
33.5kDonor Count