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Reconstitution of a functional human thymus by postnatal stromal progenitor cells and natural whole-organ scaffolds.

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Updated August 24, 2023

The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ, essential for T cell maturation and selection. There has been long-standing interest in processes underpinning thymus generation and the potential to manipulate it clinically, because alterations of thymus development or function can result in severe immunodeficiency and autoimmunity. Here, we identify epithelial-mesenchymal hybrid cells, capable of long-term expansion in vitro, and able to reconstitute an anatomic phenocopy of the native thymus, when combined with thymic interstitial cells and a natural decellularised extracellular matrix (ECM) obtained by whole thymus perfusion. This anatomical human thymus reconstruction is functional, as judged by its capacity to support mature T cell development in vivo after transplantation into humanised immunodeficient mice. These findings establish a basis for dissecting the cellular and molecular crosstalk between stroma, ECM and thymocytes, and offer practical prospects for treating congenital and acquired immunological diseases.

Paola BonfantiEpithelial Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Road, London, NW1 1AT, UK. p.bonfanti@ucl.ac.uk.p.bonfanti@ucl.ac.uk
Sara Campinoti1
Asllan Gjinovci1
Roberta Ragazzini1
Luca Zanieri1
Linda Ariza-McNaughton2
Marco Catucci1
Stefan Boeing3
Jong-Eun Park4
John C Hutchinson5
Miguel Muñoz-Ruiz6
Pierluigi G Manti7
Gianluca Vozza7
Carlo E Villa7
Demetra-Ellie Phylactopoulos1
Constance Maurer1
Giuseppe Testa7
Hans J Stauss8
Sarah A Teichmann4
Neil J Sebire5
Adrian C Hayday6
Dominique Bonnet2
Paola Bonfanti9
1Epithelial Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Road, London, NW1 1AT, UK.
2Haematopoietic Stem Cell laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Road, London, NW1 1AT, UK.
3Bioinformatics Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Road, London, NW1 1AT, UK.
4Wellcome Sanger Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK.
5UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1EH, UK.
6Immunosurveillance laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Road, London, NW1 1AT, UK.
7Department of Experimental Oncology, IEO, European Institute of Oncology, IRCCS, Milan, Italy.
8Institute of Immunity & Transplantation, Division of Infection & Immunity, UCL, Royal Free Hospital, London, NW3 2PF, UK.
9Epithelial Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Road, London, NW1 1AT, UK. p.bonfanti@ucl.ac.uk.
Ami Day

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INSDC Project Accessions:
SRP287966, ERP124353
GEO Series Accessions:Array Express Accessions:INSDC Study Accessions:



Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type

2 sample types

Anatomical Entity


Organ Part


Selected Cell Types

4 cell types

Model Organ


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

child stage

Library Construction Method

2 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

2 nucleic acid sources

Paired End

false, true

Analysis Protocol


File Format

5 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

csv.gz1 file(s)fastq.gz108 file(s)mtx.gz4 file(s)tsv.gz8 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)
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