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Spatial proteogenomics reveals distinct and evolutionarily conserved hepatic macrophage niches

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Updated October 18, 2024

The liver is the largest solid organ in the body, yet it remains incompletely characterized. Here the authors present a spatial proteogenomic atlas of the healthy and obese human and murine liver combining single-cell CITE-seq, single-nuclei sequencing, spatial transcriptomics, and spatial proteomics. By integrating these multi-omic datasets, the authors provide validated strategies to reliably discriminate and localize all hepatic cells, including a population of lipid-associated macrophages (LAMs) at the bile ducts. Analysis of CITE-seq data, Nuclei RNA-seq data, and single-cell RNA-seq data on CD45+ and CD45- cells isolated from the livers of mice fed a standard diet (SD) or western diet (WD; fat, cholesterol, and sugar), and from healthy and steatotic human livers. Spatial Transcriptomics analysis on healthy mouse livers, NAFLD mouse livers, healthy human livers, and steatotic human livers.

Martin GuilliamsVIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Researchmartin.guilliams@ugent.be
Charlotte L ScottGhent Universitycharlotte.scott@ugent.be
Martin Guilliams1
Johnny Bonnardel1
Birthe Haest1
Bart Vanderborght2
Camille Wagner1
Anneleen Remmerie2
Anna Bujko2
Liesbet Martens1
Tinne Thoné1
Robin Browaeys1
Federico F De Ponti2
Bavo Vanneste1
Christian Zwicker2
Freya R Svedberg1
Tineke Vanhalewyn3
Amanda Gonçalves2
Saskia Lippens2
Bert Devriendt2
Eric Cox2
Giuliano Ferrero4
Valerie Wittamer4
Andy Willaert2
Suzanne J F Kaptein5
Johan Neyts5
Kai Dallmeier5
Peter Geldhof2
Stijn Casaert2
Bart Deplancke6
Peter Ten Dijke7
Anne Hoorens8
Aude Vanlander8
Frederik Berrevoet8
Yves Van Nieuwenhove8
Yvan Saeys1
Wouter Saelens9
Hans Van Vlierberghe2
Lindsey Devisscher2
Charlotte L Scott2
1VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research
2Ghent University
3Laboratory of Myeloid Cell Biology in Tissue Homeostasis and Regeneration; Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science; Laboratory of Myeloid Cell Biology in Tissue Damage and Inflammation
4Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
5Rega Institute
6École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB)
7Leiden Medical Center
8Ghent University Hospital
9École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Irene Pérez-Díez

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LiverLiver v1.0

Analysis Portals


Project Label



2 species

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

capsule of liver

Selected Cell Types

5 cell types

Disease Status (Specimen)

14 disease statuses

Disease Status (Donor)

35 disease statuses

Development Stage

2 development stages

Library Construction Method

4 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

3 nucleic acid sources

Paired End


Analysis Protocol


File Format

7 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

csv.gz16 file(s)fastq.gz348 file(s)h596 file(s)json.gz15 file(s)png.gz30 file(s)txt.gz39 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)
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