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The emergent landscape of the mouse gut endoderm at single-cell resolution

Access Granted
Updated October 20, 2021

To delineate the ontogeny of the mammalian endoderm, we generated 112,217 single-cell transcriptomes representing all endoderm populations within the mouse embryo until midgestation. By employing graph-based approaches, we modelled differentiating cells for spatio-temporal characterization of developmental trajectories and defined the transcriptional architecture that accompanies the emergence of the first (primitive or extra-embryonic) endodermal population and its sister pluripotent (embryonic) epiblast lineage. We uncovered a relationship between descendants of these two lineages, whereby epiblast cells differentiate into endoderm at two distinct time-points, before and during gastrulation. Trajectories of endoderm cells were mapped as they acquired embryonic versus extra-embryonic fates, and as they spatially converged within the nascent gut endoderm; revealing them to be globally similar but retaining aspects of their lineage history. We observed the regionalized identity of cells along the anterior-posterior axis of the emergent gut tube, reflecting their embryonic or extra-embryonic origin, and their coordinate patterning into organ-specific territories.

Manu SettySloan Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centersettym@mskcc.org
Anna-Katerina HadjantonakisSloan Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centerhadj@mskcc.org
Dana Pe'erSloan Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centerpeerd@mskcc.org
Sonja Nowotschin (Experimental Scientist)1
Manu Setty (Computational Scientist)1
Ying-Yi Kuo (Experimental Scientist)1
Vincent Liu (Computational Scientist)1
Vidur Garg (Experimental Scientist)1
Roshan Sharma (Computational Scientist)1
Claire S Simon (Experimental Scientist)1
Nestor Saiz (Experimental Scientist)1
Rui Gardner (Experimental Scientist)1
Stephane C Boutet (Experimental Scientist)2
Deanna M Church (Investigator)2
Pamela A Hoodless (Investigator)3
Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis (Principal Investigator)1
Dana Pe'er (Principal Investigator)1
1Sloan Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
210X Genomics
3Terry Fox Laboratory, BC Cancer Agency
Parisa Nejad
William Sullivan

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INSDC Project Accessions:
SRP171031, SRP171152
GEO Series Accessions:INSDC Study Accessions:



Analysis Portals


Project Label

Mouse Endoderm Project


Mus musculus

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity

3 anatomical entities

Organ Part

4 organ parts

Selected Cell Types

endodermal cell

Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage


Library Construction Method

10x 3' v2

Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End


File Format

4 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

bam21 file(s)fastq.gz568 file(s)h5ad1 file(s)loom23 file(s)
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