HCA Data Explorer

The myogenesis program drives clonal selection and drug resistance in rhabdomyosarcoma

Access Granted
Updated February 8, 2023

Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most soft tissue sarcoma of childhood and histologically mimics developing skeletal muscle. To better understand RMS, we performed single-cell RNA-seq of one embryonal subtype RMS (ERMS) and one alveolar subtype RMS (ARMS). We expanded our observations by performing single-nucleus RNA-seq of 18 patient tumors (12 ERMS, 6 ARMS). All 18 of these tumors were used to generate orthotopic patient-derived xenografts, and we performed single-cell RNA-seq of all 18 O-PDXs to compare heterogeneity between the original tumor and the patient-derived model. 15 of the O-PDXs underwent lentiviral barcoding, and lineage could be tracked using a separate dial-out PCR step during the single-cell RNA-seq workflow. We performed single-cell RNA-seq of an ex vivo organoid, showing that we can preserve heterogeneity in this model. We expanded our study to the epigenetic level by using single-cell ATAC-sequencing of 7 O-PDXs. Finally, we longitudinally tracked shifts in heterogeneity in an O-PDX model treated with chemotherapy. Overall design: We performed single-cell RNA-seq from 2 patient RMS tumors, 18 O-PDXs, and 1 organoid. Additionally, we performed single-nucleus RNA-seq from 18 patient RMS tumors and single-cell ATAC-seq from 7 O-PDXs. We also provide dialout PCR data from 15 RMS O-PDX that were used for lentiviral barcode experiments to track clonal lineages within O-PDXs.

Michael A DyerSt. Jude Children’s Research Hospitalmichael.dyer@stjude.org
Michael A Dyer (Principal Investigator)1
1St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Rachel Schwartz

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Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type

2 sample types

Anatomical Entity

12 anatomical entities

Organ Part


Selected Cell Types


Model Organ

skeletal muscle organ

Disease Status (Specimen)

2 disease statuses

Disease Status (Donor)

2 disease statuses

Development Stage

3 development stages

Library Construction Method

5 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

2 nucleic acid sources

Paired End

false, true

Analysis Protocol

analysis_protocol_1, analysis_protocol_2, analysis_protocol_3

File Format

3 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

fastq.gz506 file(s)tar1 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)
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