HCA Data Explorer

Single cell transcriptomic analysis of the immune cell compartment in the human small intestine and in Celiac disease

Access Granted
Updated May 16, 2023

Celiac disease (CeD) is an autoimmune disorder in which ingestion of dietary gluten triggers an immune reaction in the small intestine 1,2 . The CeD lesion is characterized by crypt hyperplasia, villous atrophy and chronic inflammation with accumulation of leukocytes both in the lamina propria (LP) and in the epithelium 3 , which eventually leads to destruction of the intestinal epithelium 1 and subsequent digestive complications and higher risk of non-hodgkin lymphoma 4 . A lifetime gluten-free diet is currently the only available treatment 5 . Gluten-specific LP CD4 T cells and cytotoxic intraepithelial CD8+ T cells are thought to be central in disease pathology 1,6-8 , however, CeD is a complex immune-mediated disorder and to date the findings are mostly based on analysis of heterogeneous cell populations and on animal models. Here, we comprehensively explore the cellular heterogeneity of CD45+ immune cells in human small intestine using index-sorting single-cell RNA-sequencing 9,10 . We find that myeloid and mast cell transcriptomes are reshaped in CeD. We observe extensive changes in the proportion and transcriptomes of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and define a CD3zeta expressing NK-T-like cell population present in the control LP and epithelial layers that is absent and replaced in CeD. Our findings show that the immune landscape is dramatically changed in active CeD which provide new insights and considerably extend the current knowledge of CeD immunopathology.

Nader AtlasyYale School of Medicinenader.atlasy@yale.edu
Hendrik StunnenbergPrincess Maxima Centre for Pediatric OncologyH.G.Stunnenberg@prinsesmaximacentrum.nl
Nader Atlasy1
Anna Bujko2
Peter Brazda3
Eva Janssen-Megens4
Espen Bækkevold2
Jørgen Jahnsen5
Frode Jahnsen2
Hendrik Stunnenberg (Principal Investigator)3
1Yale School of Medicine
2University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital
3Princess Maxima Centre for Pediatric Oncology
4Radboud University
5Akershus University Hospital and University of Oslo

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Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity

small intestine

Organ Part


Selected Cell Types

2 cell types

Disease Status (Specimen)

2 disease statuses

Disease Status (Donor)

4 disease statuses

Development Stage

2 development stages

Library Construction Method


Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End


Analysis Protocol


File Format


Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

xlsx2 file(s)
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