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Retinal ganglion cell-specific genetic regulation in primary open angle glaucoma

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Updated January 10, 2024

To assess the transcriptomic profile of disease-specific cell populations, fibroblasts from patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) were reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) before being differentiated into retinal organoids and compared to those from healthy individuals. We performed single-cell RNA-sequencing of a total of 247,520 cells and identified cluster-specific molecular signatures. Comparing the gene expression profile between cases and controls, we identified novel genetic associations for this blinding disease. Expression quantitative trait mapping identified a total of 4,443 significant loci across all cell types, 496 of which are specific to the retinal ganglion cell subpopulations, which ultimately degenerate in POAG. Transcriptome-wide association analysis identified genes at loci previously associated with POAG, and analysis, conditional on disease status, implicated 97 statistically significant retinal ganglion cell-specific expression quantitative trait loci. This work highlights the power of large-scale iPSC studies to uncover context-specific profiles for a genetically complex disease.

Joseph E PowellGarvan Insitute of Medical Researchj.powell@garvan.edu.au
Alice PébayThe University of Melbourneapebay@unimelb.edu.au
Alex W HewittThe University of Melbourne; Centre for Eye Research Australiaalex.hewitt@utas.edu.au
Maciej Daniszewski (Experimental Scientist)1
Anne Senabouth (Experimental Scientist)2
Helena H Liang (Experimental Scientist)3
Xikun Han (Experimental Scientist)4
Grace E Lidgerwood (Experimental Scientist)1
Damian Hernandez (Experimental Scientist)1
Priyadharshini Sivakumaran (Experimental Scientist)3
Jordan E Clarke (Experimental Scientist)3
Shiang Y. Lim (Experimental Scientist)1
Jarmon G. Lees (Experimental Scientist)1
Louise A Rooney (Experimental Scientist)1
Lerna Gulluyan (Experimental Scientist)1
Emmanuelle Souzeau (Experimental Scientist)5
Stuart L Graham (Experimental Scientist)6
Chia-Ling Chan (Experimental Scientist)2
Uyen Nguyen (Experimental Scientist)2
Nona Farbehi (Experimental Scientist)2
Vikkitharan Gnanasambandapillai (Experimental Scientist)2
Rachael a McCloy (Experimental Scientist)2
Linda Clarke (Experimental Scientist)3
Lisa Kearns (Experimental Scientist)3
David A Mackey (Principal Investigator)7
Jamie E Craig (Principal Investigator)5
Stuart MacGregor (Principal Investigator)4
Joseph E Powell (Principal Investigator)2
Alice Pébay (Principal Investigator)1
Alex W Hewitt (Principal Investigator)8
1The University of Melbourne
2Garvan Insitute of Medical Research
3Centre for Eye Research Australia
4QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
5Flinders Univeristy
6Macquarie University
7Lions Eye Institute
8The University of Melbourne; Centre for Eye Research Australia
William G Sullivan

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Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity

skin of body

Organ Part


Selected Cell Types

retinal cell

Model Organ


Disease Status (Specimen)

2 disease statuses

Disease Status (Donor)

2 disease statuses

Development Stage

human adult stage

Library Construction Method

10x 3' v2

Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End


Analysis Protocol


File Format

4 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

csv23 file(s)csv.gz46 file(s)fastq.gz600 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)
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