Mapping hormone-regulated cell-cell interaction networks in the human breast at single-cell resolution
The rise and fall of estrogen and progesterone across menstrual cycles and during pregnancy regulates breast development and modifies cancer risk. How these hormones impact each cell type in the breast remains poorly understood because they act indirectly through paracrine networks. Using single-cell analysis of premenopausal breast tissue, we reveal a network of coordinated transcriptional programs representing the tissue-level response to changing hormone levels. Our computational approach, DECIPHER-seq, leverages person-to-person variability in breast composition and cell state to uncover programs that co-vary across individuals. We use differences in cell-type proportions to infer a subset of programs that arise from direct cell-cell interactions regulated by hormones. Further, we demonstrate that prior pregnancy and obesity modify hormone responsiveness through distinct mechanisms: obesity reduces the proportion of hormone-responsive cells, whereas pregnancy dampens the direct response of these cells to hormones. Together, these results provide a comprehensive map of the cycling human breast.
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Analysis Portals
NoneProject Label
Homo sapiens
Sample Type
Anatomical Entity
Organ Part
Selected Cell Types
Disease Status (Specimen)
Disease Status (Donor)
Development Stage
human adult stage
Library Construction Method
Nucleic Acid Source
single cell
Paired End
falseAnalysis Protocol
processed_matrix_generation, raw_matrix_MULTI_generation, raw_matrix_generationFile Format
Cell Count Estimate
103.0kDonor Count