Single-nucleus chromatin accessibility and transcriptomic map of breast tissues of women of diverse genetic ancestry
Single-nucleus analysis allows robust cell-type classification and helps to establish relationships between chromatin accessibility and cell-type-specific gene expression. Using samples from 92 women of several genetic ancestries, we developed a comprehensive chromatin accessibility and gene expression atlas of the breast tissue. Integrated analysis revealed ten distinct cell types, including three major epithelial subtypes (luminal hormone sensing, luminal adaptive secretory precursor (LASP) and basal-myoepithelial), two endothelial and adipocyte subtypes, fibroblasts, T cells and macrophages. In addition to the known cell identity genes FOXA1 (luminal hormone sensing), EHF and ELF5 (LASP), TP63 and KRT14 (basal-myoepithelial), epithelial subtypes displayed several uncharacterized markers and inferred gene regulatory networks. By integrating breast epithelial cell gene expression signatures with spatial transcriptomics, we identified gene expression and signaling differences between lobular and ductal epithelial cells and age-associated changes in signaling networks. LASP cells and fibroblasts showed genetic ancestry-dependent variability. An estrogen receptor-positive subpopulation of LASP cells with alveolar progenitor cell state was enriched in women of Indigenous American ancestry. Fibroblasts from breast tissues of women of African and European ancestry clustered differently, with accompanying gene expression differences. Collectively, these data provide a vital resource for further exploring genetic ancestry-dependent variability in healthy breast biology.
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Analysis Portals

Project Label
Homo sapiens
Sample Type
Anatomical Entity
Organ Part
Selected Cell Types
Disease Status (Specimen)
Disease Status (Donor)
Development Stage
Library Construction Method
Nucleic Acid Source
single nucleus
Paired End
falseFile Format
Cell Count Estimate
UnspecifiedDonor Count