Assessing Cellular and Transcriptional Diversity of Ileal Mucosa Among Treatment-Naïve and Treated Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. We used single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) to define the cellular and transcriptional activity of the mucosa at different stages of disease progression in CD. Overall design: Terminal ileal mucosal derived single cells was processed and analyzed using scRNAseq
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Analysis Portals
NoneProject Label
Homo sapiens
Sample Type
Anatomical Entity
Organ Part
ileal mucosa
Selected Cell Types
Disease Status (Specimen)
Disease Status (Donor)
Development Stage
Library Construction Method
10x 5' v1
Nucleic Acid Source
single cell
Paired End
trueAnalysis Protocol
analysis_protocol_1File Format
Cell Count Estimate
139.9kDonor Count