HCA Data Explorer

Cells of the adult human heart

Access Granted
Updated February 26, 2021

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Advanced insights into disease mechanisms and therapeutic strategies require deeper understanding of the healthy heart’s molecular processes. Knowledge of the full repertoire of cardiac cells and their gene expression profiles is a fundamental first step in this endeavor. Here, using state-of-the-art analyses of large-scale single-cell and nuclei transcriptomes, we characterise six anatomical adult heart regions (left/right atria and ventricles, apex, interventricular septum). Our results highlight the cellular heterogeneity of cardiomyocytes, pericytes and fibroblasts, revealing distinct atrial and ventricular subsets with diverse developmental origins and specialized properties. We define the complexity of the cardiac vasculature and its changes along the arterio-venous axis. In the immune compartment we identify cardiac resident macrophages with inflammatory and protective transcriptional signatures. Further, inference of cell-cell interactions highlight different macrophage-fibroblast-cardiomyocyte networks between atria and ventricles that are distinct from skeletal muscle. We expect this reference human cardiac cell atlas to advance mechanistic studies of heart homeostasis and disease.

Monika LitviňukováWellcome Sanger Institutemonika.litvinukova@mdc-berlin.de
Carlos Talavera-LópezWellcome Sanger Institutect5@sanger.ac.uk
Christine SeidmanHarvard Medical Schoolcseidman@genetics.med.harvard.edu
Michela NosedaImperial College Londonm.noseda@imperial.ac.uk
Norbert HübnerMax Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC)nhuebner@mdc-berlin.de
Sarah A. TeichmannWellcome Sanger Institutest9@sanger.ac.uk
Monika Litviňuková (Lead Analyst)1
Carlos Talavera-López (Lead Analyst)1
Henrike Maatz (Lead Analyst)2
Daniel Reichart (Lead Analyst)3
Catherine L. Worth (Analyst)2
Eric L. Lindberg (Analyst)2
Masatoshi Kanda (Analyst)2
Krzysztof Polanski (Computational Scientist)1
Eirini S. Fasouli (Experimental Scientist)1
Sara Samari (Experimental Scientist)4
Kenny Roberts (Experimental Scientist)1
Liz Tuck (Experimental Scientist)1
Matthias Heinig (Co-Investigator)5
Michael Lee (Analyst)4
Daniel DeLaughter (Experimental Scientist)3
Barbara McDonough (Experimental Scientist)6
Hiroko Wakimoto (Experimental Scientist)3
Joshua M Gorham (Experimental Scientist)3
Emily Nadelmann (Analyst)3
Krishnaa T. Mahbubani (Biomaterial Provider)7
Kourosh Saeb-Parsy (Co-Investigator)7
Giannino Patone (Computational Scientist)2
Joseph J. Boyle (Experimental Scientist)4
Hongbo Zhang (Co-Investigator)8
Hao Zhang (Biomaterial Provider)9
Anissa Viveiros (Biomaterial Provider)9
Gavin Oudit (Co-Investigator)9
Omer Bayraktar (Co-Investigator)1
J. G. Seidman (Principal Investigator)3
Christine Seidman (Principal Investigator)3
Michela Noseda (Principal Investigator)4
Norbert Hübner (Principal Investigator)2
Sarah A. Teichmann (Principal Investigator)1
1Wellcome Sanger Institute
2Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC)
3Harvard Medical School
4Imperial College London
6Brigham and Women’s Hospital
7Cambridge Biorepository for Translational Medicine
8Sun-Yat Sen University
9University of Alberta
Marion F Shadbolt

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Analysis Portals

Genome BrowserGenome Browser
UCSC Cell BrowserUCSC Cell Browser

Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

6 organ parts

Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)

4 disease statuses

Development Stage

2 development stages

Library Construction Method

2 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

2 nucleic acid sources

Paired End


File Format

4 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

bam148 file(s)fastq.gz768 file(s)h5ad1 file(s)loom150 file(s)
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