HCA Data Explorer

Spatial multiomics map of trophoblast development in early pregnancy

Access Granted
Updated January 11, 2024

The relationship between the human placenta—the extraembryonic organ made by the fetus, and the decidua—the mucosal layer of the uterus, is essential to nurture and protect the fetus during pregnancy. Extravillous trophoblast cells (EVTs) derived from placental villi infiltrate the decidua, transforming the maternal arteries into high-conductance vessels. Defects in trophoblast invasion and arterial transformation established during early pregnancy underlie common pregnancy disorders such as pre-eclampsia. Here we have generated a spatially resolved multiomics single-cell atlas of the entire human maternal–fetal interface including the myometrium, which enables us to resolve the full trajectory of trophoblast differentiation. We have used this cellular map to infer the possible transcription factors mediating EVT invasion and show that they are preserved in in vitro models of EVT differentiation from primary trophoblast organoids and trophoblast stem cells. We define the transcriptomes of the final cell states of trophoblast invasion: placental bed giant cells (fused multinucleated EVTs) and endovascular EVTs (which form plugs inside the maternal arteries). We predict the cell–cell communication events contributing to trophoblast invasion and placental bed giant cell formation, and model the dual role of interstitial EVTs and endovascular EVTs in mediating arterial transformation during early pregnancy. Together, our data provide a comprehensive analysis of postimplantation trophoblast differentiation that can be used to inform the design of experimental models of the human placenta in early pregnancy.

Omer Ali BayraktarWellcome Sanger Instituteob5@sanger.ac.uk
Ashley MoffettUniversity of Cambridgeam485@cam.ac.uk
Oliver StegleWellcome Sanger Instituteoliver.stegle@embl.de
Margherita Y TurcoUniversity of Cambridgemargherita.turco@fmi.ch
Roser Vento-TormoWellcome Sanger Instituterv4@sanger.ac.uk
Anna Arutyunyan1
Kenny Roberts1
Kevin Troulé1
Frederick CK Wong1
Megan A Sheridan2
Ilia Kats3
Luz Garcia-Alonso1
Britta Velten1
Regina Hoo1
Elias R Ruiz-Morales1
Carmen Sancho-Serra1
Jarrod Shilts1
Louis-Francois Handfield1
Luca Marconato3
Elizabeth Tuck1
Lucy Gardner2
Cecilia Icoresi Mazzeo1
Qian Li2
Iva Kelava1
Gavin J Wright4
Elena Prigmore1
Sarah A Teichmann1
Omer Ali Bayraktar1
Ashley Moffett2
Oliver Stegle1
Margherita Y Turco2
Roser Vento-Tormo (Principal Investigator)1
1Wellcome Sanger Institute
2University of Cambridge
3German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
4York Biomedical Research Institute
Arsenios Chatzigeorgiou

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Array Express Accessions:
E-MTAB-12421, E-MTAB-12595, E-MTAB-12698, E-MTAB-12650
INSDC Study Accessions:EGA Accessions:



Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type

2 sample types

Anatomical Entity

2 anatomical entities

Organ Part

3 organ parts

Selected Cell Types

6 cell types

Model Organ


Disease Status (Specimen)

2 disease statuses

Disease Status (Donor)

2 disease statuses

Development Stage

9 development stages

Library Construction Method

5 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

2 nucleic acid sources

Paired End


Analysis Protocol

processed_matrix_generation, raw_matrix_generation, trophoblast_subset_reanalysis, visium_analysis_protocol, visium_downstream_analysis

File Format

15 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

cloupe8 file(s)csv24 file(s)fastq.gz96 file(s)h516 file(s)h5ad13 file(s)jpg16 file(s)json8 file(s)mtx.gz16 file(s)ndpi8 file(s)png16 file(s)tar.gz24 file(s)tif6 file(s)tiff2 file(s)tsv.gz32 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)
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