Integrated scRNA-Seq Identifies Human Postnatal Thymus Seeding Progenitors and Regulatory Dynamics of Differentiating Immature Thymocytes
During postnatal life, thymopoiesis depends on the continuous colonization of the thymus by bone-marrow- derived hematopoietic progenitors that migrate through the bloodstream. The current understanding of the na- ture of thymic immigrants is largely based on data from pre-clinical models. Here, we employed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to examine the immature postnatal thymocyte population in humans. Integration of bone marrow and peripheral blood precursor datasets identified two putative thymus seeding progenitors that varied in expression of CD7; CD10; and the homing receptors CCR7, CCR9, and ITGB7. Whereas both pre- cursors supported T cell development, only one contributed to intrathymic dendritic cell (DC) differentiation, predominantly of plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Trajectory inference delineated the transcriptional dynamics un- derlying early human T lineage development, enabling prediction of transcription factor (TF) modules that drive stage-specific steps of human T cell development. This comprehensive dataset defines the expression signa- ture of immature human thymocytes and provides a resource for the further study of human thymopoiesis.
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Analysis Portals

Project Label
Homo sapiens
Sample Type
Anatomical Entity
Organ Part
Selected Cell Types
Disease Status (Specimen)
Disease Status (Donor)
congenital heart disease
Development Stage
Library Construction Method
Nucleic Acid Source
single cell
Paired End
falseFile Format
Cell Count Estimate
72.3kDonor Count