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Transcriptional changes in the mammary gland during lactation revealed by single cell sequencing of cells from human milk

Access Granted
Updated October 18, 2024

Under normal conditions, the most significant expansion and differentiation of the adult mammary gland occurs in response to systemic reproductive hormones during pregnancy and lactation to enable milk synthesis and secretion to sustain the offspring. However, human mammary tissue remodelling that takes place during pregnancy and lactation remains poorly understood due to the challenge of acquiring samples. We report here single-cell transcriptomic analysis of 110,744 viable breast cells isolated from human milk or non-lactating breast tissue, isolated from nine and seven donors, respectively. We found that human milk largely contains epithelial cells belonging to the luminal lineage and a repertoire of immune cells. Further transcriptomic analysis of the milk cells identified two distinct secretory cell types that shared similarities with luminal progenitors, but no populations comparable to hormone-responsive cells. Taken together, our data offers a reference map and a window into the cellular dynamics that occur during human lactation and may provide further insights on the interplay between pregnancy, lactation and breast cancer.

Alecia-Jane TwiggerUniversity of Cambridgeajt215@cam.ac.uk
Christina H. ScheelHelmholtz Zentrum München, Munich, Germanychristina.scheel@klinikum-bochum.de
Walid T. KhaledUniversity of Cambridgewtk22@cam.ac.uk
Alecia-Jane Twigger1
Lisa K. Engelbrecht2
Karsten Bach1
Isabel Schultz-Pernice3
Sara Pensa1
Jack Stenning1
Stefania Petricca3
Christina H. Scheel (Co-Investigator)3
Walid T. Khaled (Co-Investigator)1
1University of Cambridge
2Helmholtz Zentrum München
3Helmholtz Zentrum München, Munich, Germany
Arsenios Chatzigeorgiou

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Array Express Accessions:
E-MTAB-9841, E-MTAB-10855, E-MTAB-10885
INSDC Project Accessions:INSDC Study Accessions:


BreastBreast v1.0

Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

2 organ parts

Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage


Library Construction Method

2 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End


Analysis Protocol

matrix_generation_v2, matrix_generation_v3

File Format

6 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

fastq.gz72 file(s)mtx12 file(s)mtx.gz7 file(s)tsv24 file(s)tsv.gz14 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)
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