HCA Data Explorer

Decoding human fetal liver haematopoiesis

Access Granted
Updated January 31, 2023

Definitive haematopoiesis in the fetal liver supports self-renewal and differentiation of haematopoietic stem cells/multipotent progenitors (HSC/MPPs), yet remains poorly defined in humans. Using single cell transcriptome profiling of ~133,000 fetal liver and ~65,000 fetal skin and kidney cells, we identify the repertoire of blood and immune cells in first and early second trimesters of development. From this data, we infer differentiation trajectories from HSC/MPPs, and evaluate the impact of tissue microenvironment on blood and immune cell development. We predict coupling of mast cell differentiation with erythro-megakaryopoiesis and identify physiological erythropoiesis in fetal skin. We demonstrate a shift in fetal liver haematopoietic composition during gestation away from being erythroid-predominant, accompanied by a parallel change in HSC/MPP differentiation potential, which we functionally validate. Our integrated map of fetal liver haematopoiesis provides a blueprint for the study of paediatric blood and immune disorders, and a valuable reference for understanding and harnessing the therapeutic potential of HSC/MPPs.

Muzlifah HaniffaInstitute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle Universitym.a.haniffa@newcastle.ac.uk
Dorin-Mirel Popescu (Experimental Scientist)1
Rachel Anne Botting (Experimental Scientist)1
Emily Stephenson (Experimental Scientist)1
Kile Green (Experimental Scientist)1
Simone Webb (Computational Scientist)1
Laura Jardine (Experimental Scientist)1
Issac Goh (Experimental Scientist)1
Jongeun Park (Experimental Scientist)2
Krzysztof Polanski (Computational Scientist)2
Steven Lisgo (Biomaterial Provider)3
Sam Behjati (Co-Investigator)4
Sarah A Teichmann (Principal Investigator)2
Muzlifah Haniffa (Principal Investigator)5
1Newcastle University
2Wellcome Sanger Institute
3Institute of Genetic Medicine
4University of Cambridge
5Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University
Marion F Shadbolt
Nancy George

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Analysis Portals

UCSC Cell BrowserUCSC Cell Browser

Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity

4 anatomical entities

Organ Part


Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

11 development stages

Library Construction Method

2 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End


File Format

6 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

bam71 file(s)csv3 file(s)fastq.gz240 file(s)loom75 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)zip4 file(s)
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