HCA Data Explorer

Structural Remodeling of the Human Colonic Mesenchyme in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Access Granted
Updated October 20, 2021

Intestinal mesenchymal cells play essential roles in epithelial homeostasis, matrix remodeling, immunity, and inflammation. But the extent of heterogeneity within the colonic mesenchyme in these processes remains unknown. Using unbiased single-cell profiling of over 16,500 colonic mesenchymal cells, we reveal four subsets of fibroblasts expressing divergent transcriptional regulators and functional pathways, in addition to pericytes and myofibroblasts. We identified a niche population located in proximity to epithelial crypts expressing SOX6, F3 (CD142), and WNT genes essential for colonic epithelial stem cell function. In colitis, we observed dysregulation of this niche and emergence of an activated mesenchymal population. This subset expressed TNF superfamily member 14 (TNFSF14), fibroblastic reticular cell-associated genes, IL-33, and Lysyl oxidases. Further, it induced factors that impaired epithelial proliferation and maturation and contributed to oxidative stress and disease severity in vivo. Our work defines how the colonic mesenchyme remodels to fuel inflammation and barrier dysfunction in IBD.

James KinchenUniversity of Oxfordjames.kinchen@stx.ox.ac.uk
Alison SimmonsUniversity of Oxfordalison.simmons@imm.ox.ac.uk
James Kinchen1
Hannah H Chen1
Kaushal Parikh1
Agne Antanaviciute1
Marta Jagielowicz1
David Fawkner-Corbett1
Neil Ashley1
Laura Cubitt1
Esther Mellado-Gomez1
Moustafa Attar1
Eshita Sharma1
Quin Wills2
Rory Bowden1
Felix C Richter1
David Ahern1
Kamal D Puri3
Jill Henault4
Francois Gervais4
Hashem Koohy1
Alison Simmons1
1University of Oxford
2Novo Nordisk Research Centre Oxford
3OncoResponse, Inc
4Celgene Corporation
Mallory Ann Freeberg

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INSDC Project Accessions:
SRP100786, SRP100793, SRP100795, SRP145547
GEO Series Accessions:INSDC Study Accessions:



Analysis Portals


Project Label



2 species

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

lamina propria of mucosa of colon

Selected Cell Types

stromal cell

Disease Status (Specimen)

3 disease statuses

Disease Status (Donor)

3 disease statuses

Development Stage

2 development stages

Library Construction Method

2 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End

false, true

File Format

6 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

bam10 file(s)csv1 file(s)fastq.gz824 file(s)loom12 file(s)txt.gz7 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)
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